Our next monthly meeting is coming up! We're meeting at 7PM on February 27th at Angelo's in Monona (5801 Monona Dr).
There will be a social half-hour at 7:00, followed by the meeting at 7:30.
The board is meeting at 6:30 before the meeting, any interested members are welcome to attend! Board topics include plans for the coming year.
Agendas will be posted as soon as they are available.
All members and prospective members are welcome!
Save the Dates, it's party season:
- 2/23 - NIPHC Island Beach Bash (featuring Johnny Russler and The Beach Bum Band, and Pirates Over 40) in Rockford
- 3/22-23 - St Minnesomeplace This Hotel Room (featuring Homemade Wine and many others) in Minneapolis
- 4/20 - Chicago PHC Party In ParrotDise (featuring South of Disorder and Pirates Over 40) in Chicago
- 4/27 - Dubuque Phlockers One Particular Harbour (featuring Cedar Island Band) in Dubuque